Monday, March 18, 2013

Bad Habits...

A few blogs that I follow (The Adventures of Crispy-Creme and Wyvern Oaks) have recently discussed bad habits and the things we do with our horses every single day that could lead to death...just because we are lazy. That really got me thinking about what I do every time I spend time with the girls and how I am putting myself at risk. We often fall in love with our precious babies and forget that they are 1200lb (or 1550lbs in big girl's case) animals that could injure us on accident or on purpose at the drop of a hat! My main flaws come on the ground, though I have had several lapses in judgement while riding as well.

The main and most dangerous laps in judgement that I have ever had was during the summer of 2010 when I was riding and learning to barrel race with a bunch of western riders. Until that time I had grown up in a strict jumping and helmet world. People just did not go helmetless unless you were a big time trainer out hacking or schooling your horse (which I never got anyways...aren't they supposed to be the role models???). Anyways, I had never (or VERY rarely when riding a horse in from the field) gone helmetless. Well, I let myself succumb to the peer pressure of the western world and I barrel races FREQUENTLY all summer with no helmet (because no horse has ever slipped and fallen on a person while barrel racing...doH!). In the vein of fellow is the shamming video...
It was a stern talking to from my boyfriend (now fiance) as well as disapproving glares from my parents that knocked sense in to me and reminded me that helmets were for safety and not just for being hot and sweaty during the miserable Texas summers (its not like I haven't taken a million falls where a helmet saved my life or anything...dummy!). Luckily, I have remained smart and have continued to wear a helmet when I ride, even when people I ride with don't and mock me for wearing one. I have even become an advocate even though they never listen.

While I can say I have gotten better about the helmet thing...other things that I still do with the horses that just isn't smart or safe includes leading them without a lead rope. Trinity is such a lover and so well behaved on the ground that I often find myself throwing a lead around her neck and letting her walk to the arena for play time. If anything were to spook her (say the horse eating rooster or Trinity's main nemesis) I would have a loose horse on an 80 acre property that has no horse safe perimeter fence...Brilliant Lauren...I am much better about halter and leading Frosty Pants, but this is only because of the next unsafe task I do every day...

I often lead two horses at once! When I was at the self-care barn I had been known to lead 3 and *gasp* even four. This became a bad habit from my inception as barn help at my first training barn. The grooms were notorious for leading multiple horses at the same time and it just became habit. This is SO unsafe because if one horse spooked it could either cause the other horse to spook and you now have 2 crazy beasts with you in the middle, or you have to make the decision to let go of the spooking horse and have a crazy beast running wild or let go of the calm horse causing it to spook. I would love to say I halter and lead Frosty Pants because I am trying to avoid the spooking of both horses; however, it sadly isn't the case. Instead, I halter and lead Frosty because she is so much pokier than Trinity and I have to drag her as Trinity sets the pace (due to no halter and or lead rope...)

I could go on and on and on; however, the last unsafe thing that I do all the time is forget my place when grooming. I often put my head in front of Trinity's gigantor knees while scrubbing her cannon bones, get down on both knees (limiting a fast escape) when wrapping he legs or examining her feet, Let my head get to close to her back feet while picking her hooves, stand directly behind her while brushing her tail, etc. etc. etc. I have been nailed in the head a few time while scrubbing her cannon bones but did I stop doing that...nope...

In time I have found that the best way to remind yourself of unsafe horse practices is to teach a kid! You always know the correct things to do and want to pass those along, even if you don't do them yourself. Unfortunately, I am not teaching at this time and have forgotten a lot of this. Thanks to the blog-o-spere, I have become aware again and will be more conscious the next time I go play with my 1550lb baby cakes!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back in Action

So the last month and a half or so have been absolutely miserable. I have been swamped at work, it has been snowy and disgusting, and I have put myself in to a really annoying funkification...

Yesterday I finally made it out to the barn for longer than 5 minutes and spent some quality time with the girls. It was disgustingly muddy, and they were themselves disgustingly muddy, but it was so good to see them! They always make things look better. I don't know why I forget that when I am in funkification mode. I should pack my ass up and head out the the barn. Then everything would be alright and I wouldn't be in a funk anymore...hindsight is 20/20 I guess. But anyways, the girls are doing magnificently. I just let them run in the arena yesterday and didn't work them. I want to get out both days this weekend and put their booties to work!

For your viewing pleasure...the mud balls!

Still looking a bit puny...

"Hi, Mom..."

Frosty looks REALLY pigeon toed here...I didn't notice that last night. She just got her feet trimmed. I think a call to the ferrier may be in order. 

It could just be the way she is standing...I will have to stand her up on hard ground this weekend.

That shark fin of a withers needs to go!

I think she will make a NICE horse if I ever find the time to finish her...