Friday, August 2, 2013

Frosty - Progress Photos - August 1, 2013

Below are Frosty's plain photos. I never realize how much of a baby form she still has until I look intently at pictures. She is now about 4.25 years old; however, she is foundation bred, which means she will keep growing until about 6 or so. I need to take a tape out and measure her. Shane is 5'10" (or 17.2HH). I am guessing by looking at these pictures that she is maybe 6-10" shorter than him, which would put her somewhere between 15 and 16HH. I am thinking more in the 15.2 range because he shoulder is only about an inch or two shorter than me and I am 15.3HH. Okay, I will bring a tape out soon...

And now her line drawing: 

Here you can see her red lines are almost perfectly parallel. They aren't very evenly spaced, but I think this is due to lack of muscle in her QH shoulders compared to her naturally big QH butt. Her shoulder should fill out when she is done with this current growth spurt. The yellow lines are SO close to being even, and as I look at it, the top yellow line should be slightly higher on the right, which would make it almost completely parallel to the ground. Her hocks are slightly above her knee, but not enough to make a difference. The blue lines show a pretty straight up and down shoulder, but that also may change with muscle. Overall I am seeing a HUGE need to work on her front end (in addition to a whole body workout of course). 

What do you all think?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Frosty and would take her home in a heartbeat just from her conformation alone! Lovely long legs and deep chest, and that big ole QH rump.
    Only thing that jumps out at me is her pasterns and back are a touch long, but not a deal breaker for me!
    (You can send her to me at any time!)
